Home Advertising


The CineTalkies website is an established and well respected South African entertainment blog

We have several advertising opportunities for businesses and brands.

Website Banners

  • Header Leaderboard – appears at the top right area, above the navigation. This will appear on every page viewed on the Cine Talkies website.
    Dimensions: 728x90px,  gif or jpeg (no flash), maximum file size 120kb.

  • Sidebar 1 – appears in the right sidebar area, above the popular posts listings. This will appear on every page viewed on the Cine Talkies website.
    Dimensions: 300x250px,  gif or jpeg (no flash), maximum file size 75kb.

  • Sidebar 2 – SkyScraper , this will appear in the right sidebar area, below  the popular posts listings. This will appear on every page viewed on the Cine Talkies website.
    Dimensions: 300x600px,  gif or jpeg (no flash), maximum file size 180kb.

  • Footer Leaderboard – appears below content on the website, above the 4 content blocks found in the footer of the website. This will appear on every page viewed on the Cine Talkies website.
    Dimensions: 728x90px,  gif or jpeg (no flash), maximum file size 120kb.

  • Single Post Banner– appears at the end of every post published
    Dimensions: 468x90px,  gif or jpeg (no flash), maximum file size 50kb.

Sponsored Posts & Competitions

This is a great way to build your brand, create buzz about your product or business.   We can run a competition or giveaway.  The post will include links to your website as well as images of the item given away.  In addition, we will promote this competition via our Facebook channel


For more information, Contact CineTalkies here